6 Chinese Herbal Formulas Used for Menstrual Cramps
Dysmenorrhea, also known as menstrual cramps, is a common condition that many women experience during their menstrual cycle. These cramps are caused by the contraction of the uterus in order to shed its lining. It is estimated that over 50% of women experience menstrual cramps at some point in their lives, with a significant proportion of them experiencing moderate to severe pain.
Chinese medicine has a long history of using herbs to address various health conditions, including menstrual pain. These herbs are believed to work by promoting blood circulation, regulating hormonal balance, and reducing inflammation in the reproductive system. Many women have reported finding relief from their menstrual cramps through the use of Chinese herbs, making them a promising alternative to conventional pain medications.
In this blog post, we'll highlight six formulas that have shown promising results in relieving menstrual pain. We'll discuss Chinese medicine's view of menstrual cramps, Chinese herbs and formulas for alleviating menstrual cramps, as well as their mechanisms of action.
How does Traditional Chinese Medicine view menstrual cramps?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views menstrual cramps as a result of imbalances in the body's energy flow, specifically in the liver and spleen meridians. According to TCM principles, these imbalances can cause blood stagnation and qi (energy) blockages, leading to pain and discomfort during menstruation. Chinese herbs are believed to restore the balance of qi and blood, promote smooth flow, and alleviate menstrual cramps.
By understanding these principles, TCM practitioners can help women gain insight into the underlying causes of their cramps and choose appropriate herbs to address their specific needs.
What causes menstrual cramps?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, several factors may contribute to menstrual cramps. These can include: Qi stagnation, in which the flow of energy is blocked or disrupted; blood stasis, where the blood becomes static or stagnant; emotional imbalance, which may cause abnormal menstrual flow; and diet and lifestyle choices, and specifically ingesting cold foods which may contribute to blood stagnation.
Exploring single herbs commonly prescribed for menstrual cramps
Some common Chinese herbs for menstrual cramps include Tao Ren, which is known for its ability to unblock stasis; Chuan Xiong, which helps alleviate stagnation and promotes blood circulation; Bai Shao, which has a calming effect on the uterus and relieves spasms; and Dang Gui, which nourishes the blood and promotes hormonal balance.

These herbs all possess properties that help restore balance, promote a healthy menstrual cycle, and reduce cramps. They are used in several of the formulas we'll cover next.
6 Chinese herbal formulas for menstrual cramps
Six commonly used Chinese herbal formulas for menstrual cramps include: Wen Jing Tang, Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang, Tao Hong Si Wu Tang, Ba Zhen Tang, and Xiao Yao Wan.
Let's explore each formula in detail.

1. Wen Jing Tang (Flow Warming Decoction)
Wen Jing Tang, also known as Flow Warming Decoction or Evodia & Cinnamon Combination, is a warming herbal formula often used for menstrual pain that is cold in nature. Twelve herbs make up this formula, including Wu Zhu Yu (Evodia Fruit), Bai Shen (Ginseng Root), and Gui Zhi (Cinnamon Twig). By warming the channels, nourishing blood, promoting circulation and reducing blood stagnation, Wen Jing Tang aims to help with cramps, reduce pain, and regulate the menstrual cycle. Some studies have shown positive results in the use of Wen Jing Tang for menstrual pain, suggesting effectiveness in TCM practice.
2. Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan (Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill)
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, also known as Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill, is used to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis in the lower abdomen. This formula is commonly prescribed by TCM practitioners for those with conditions such as dysmenorrhea, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. It consists of Gui Zhi (Cinnamon Twig), Fu Ling (Poria), Mu Dan Pi (Tree Peony Bark), and other herbs that work together to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and regulate menstrual flow. Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan has been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for its suggested ability to assist with uterine fibroids and improve overall gynecological health.

3. Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Abdominal Stasis Relief Decoction)
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang, Abdominal Stasis Relief Decoction, is another TCM herbal formula that is commonly used to alleviate menstrual pain. It is designed to specifically target and treat blood stasis with cold in the lower abdomen. Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang works by promoting blood circulation and removing any blockages or stagnation in the pelvic area, aiming to reduce pain and discomfort during menstruation. With its powerful combination of herbs, this formula has been praised for its ability to effectively relieve menstrual pain and improve overall gynecological health. Its long-standing reputation and historical results make it an often recommended treatment option in TCM for women experiencing menstrual pain.
4. Tao Hong Si Wu Tang (Peach Kernel, Carthamus Four Herb Combination)
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang is known for its ability to nourish and invigorate the blood, helping to regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate pain. By combining herbs such as Tao Ren and Dang Gui, Tao Hong Si Wu Tang aims to not only mitigate pain but also to strengthen the uterus and promote overall reproductive health. It is often recommended by TCM practitioners for women with irregular periods or those experiencing heavy bleeding along with their menstrual pain.
5. Ba Zhen Tang (Eight Treasures)
Ba Zhen Tang, or Eight Treasures is a nourishing TCM formula that is often suggested for use following menses, to replenish the blood. This formula consists of a combination of eight herbs, including Dang Gui and Shu Di Huang, which work together to tonify the blood and qi. By nourishing the body's vital energy, Ba Zhen Tang helps to regulate the menstrual cycle - it is often recommended for women who experience fatigue and weakness during their periods to help improve overall energy levels and promote a sense of well-being.

6. Xiao Yao Wan
Xiao Yao Wan, or Free and Easy Wanderer, is a popular formula in TCM used when dealing with PMS, mood swings, and menstrual pain. It works by harmonizing the liver and spleen, which helps to regulate hormone levels and reduce emotional stress that can worsen menstrual pain. Xiao Yao Wan is known for its calming and soothing effects, making it an excellent choice for women who experience both physical and emotional symptoms during their menstrual cycle. TCM practitioners have relied on this formula for centuries for those with menstrual pain, as well as to improve general well-being because of its gentle yet effective approach.
Unique formulas for unique patterns of menstrual cramps
To better understand why so many different formulas exist for a single symptom (like menstrual cramps), it helps to understand that each formula is geared toward a specific underlying pattern.
While these formulas may share herbal ingredients that help dispel blood stasis (like Chuan Xiong), additional herbs that are either warming or nourishing, cooling or regulating, tonifying or calming, help to address a patient's unique underlying pattern or "disharmony."
We hope this article has shed some light on the potential benefits of these herbs for menstrual cramps. Our wish is to empower TCM practitioners and their patients with premium-level Chinese herbs for effectively managing menstrual cramps and improving overall well-being.
It is important to consult with a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner to determine the most appropriate formula for individual needs.
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This article is provided only as an educational resource - it is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, and the herbs and/or formulas within are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. This information is intended for only licensed healthcare practitioners.