Ba Zheng San - 八正散 - Eight Rectification Formula (Capsules)
Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 capsules (100 caps./bottle).
Item Number: B015-c
Chinese Name: 八正散, Ba Zheng San
English Name: Eight Rectification Formula
Formula Principles:
- Clears Heat
- Purges Fire
- Promotes healthy urinary system
Ingredients (2023 Formulation):
Bian Xu | Knotweed Herb |
Che Qian Zi (Yan Zhi) | Plantain Seed (Processed) |
Da Huang (Shou) | Rhubarb (Processed) |
Gan Cao (Mi) | Licorice Root (Processed) |
Hua Shi | Talcum |
Qu Mai | Dianthus Herb |
Tong Cao | Stachyurus or Japanese Helwingia Pith |
Zhi Zi (Jiao) | Gardenia Fruit (Processed) |
Ingredients (Updated Formulation):
Che Qian Zi (Yan Zhi) | Plantain Seed (Processed) |
Qu Mai | Dianthus Herb |
Bian Xu | Knotweed Herb |
Hua Shi | Talcum |
Zhi Zi (Jiao) | Gardenia Fruit (Processed) |
Gan Cao (Mi) | Licorice Root (Processed) |
Deng Xin Cao |
Juncus Pith |
Da Huang (Shou) | Rhubarb (Processed) |
Ingredients provided for reference. Bottles containing 2023 Formulation will be fulfilled until they are sold out - to verify which formulation is currently being shipped, contact us through chat or at herbs@treasureoftheeast.com
TCM Pattern
- Bladder Damp-Heat
- Stone Lin
- Blood Lin
- Heat in Heart Channel Transferring to the Small Intestine Channel
4-6 capsules, taken 2-3 times daily.
Also available as Granules.
Treasure of the East’s herbal extracts are full-spectrum, water-based extracts produced by Tianjiang Pharmaceutical. Unlike standardized extracts, which contain a concentrated quantity of a single marker chemical, full-spectrum herbal extracts contain all the active chemical constituents of whole herbs in concentrated form. Treasure of the East herbs are full-spectrum and extracted using only purified water (more information).