Fu Pen Zi - 覆盆子 - Rubus Berry
Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1; granules (100g/bottle).
Chinese Name: 覆盆子, Fu Pen Zi
English Name: Rubus Berry
Latin Name: Rubi Fructus
Certifications: Kosher
Properties: Sweet Astringent (Sour) Neutral (Slightly Warm); Actions Indications/Syndromes Tonifies and stabilizes the Kidneys and astringes Jing and urine; Tonifies Yang and improves vision
Treasure of the East’s herbal extracts are full-spectrum, water-based extracts produced by Tianjiang Pharmaceutical. Unlike standardized extracts, which contain a concentrated quantity of a single marker chemical, full-spectrum herbal extracts contain all the active chemical constituents of whole herbs in concentrated form. Treasure of the East herbs are full-spectrum and extracted using only purified water (more information).