We're excited to see you at the FSOMA 2024 conference! Please visit us at booth #22 for a FREE full-bottle sample. Treasure of the East is a proud sponsor of the Florida State Oriental Medical Association. As a conference attendee, we'd like to invite you to:

💲Take advantage of our FSOMA special! Receive 20% off all bottled herbs and formulas through the end of August with code FSOMA2024 at check out. Click here to add the discount to your cart.

📖 Download a digital copy of Dr. Wang's Treasured Formulas Handbook (3rd Ed).

🌱 Enjoy a relaxing video tour through some of Tianjiang's Dao Di Herb Farms:

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🌿Visit our booth for a FREE full-bottle sample. Choose from one of the below capsule formulas:

Zhi Sou San is called “Stop Coughing Powder” in English. This classical formula effectively soothes cough due to sore throat, hoarseness, shortness of breath, or cough with viscous phlegm or with difficulty in expelling phlegm. This formula has been widely applied clinically for coughing.

Ingredients: Jie Geng, Jing Jie, Zi Wan (Mi Zhi), Bai Bu (Mi Zhi), Bai Qian, Gan Cao (Mi), Chen Pi
Functions: Diffuses and benefits the lung Qi, disperses Wind and relieves cough, transforms phlegm, releases the exterior, ventilates the lungs
TCM Pattern: Wind pathogens attacking the lung, cough as a sequelae to external Wind-Cold with phlegm

Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang is a well-known formula used for releasing unresolved exterior Wind-Cold that has become constrained and is transforming into heat, and for releasing pathogenic influences from the muscle layer and clearing Interior Heat accompanied by favor, headache, dry nose, stiffness of the extremities, and sore eyes.

Ingredients: Chai Hu, Ge Gen, Huang Qin (Jiu), Gan Cao, Bai Shao, Qiang Huo, Jie Geng, Bai Zhi, Shi Gao
Functions: Dispels Wind, releases pathogens from the muscle layer, clears Interior Heat
TCM Pattern: Wind-Cold (Tai Yang) transforming into Interior Heat (Yang Ming), Wind-Cold turning to Heat

Yue Ju Wan is a classical formula used to move and regulate Qi, resolve constraint, release stagnation of Qi, blood, phlegm, Fire, food, and Dampness. Yue Ju Wan addresses symptoms including chest and diaphragm tightness, epigastric and abdominal distension and pain, belching, nausea, vomiting, and indigestion.

Ingredients: Xiang Fu (Cu Zhi), Chuan Xiong, Cang Zhu (Fu Chao), Zhi Zi (Jiao), Liu Shen Qu (Jiao)
Functions: Moves and regulates Qi, resolves constraint, releases Qi, blood, phlegm, Fire, food, and Dampness stagnation
TCM Pattern: Six constraints of Qi - blood, phlegm, Fire, food, and Dampness

Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang is one of the most frequently used classical formulas known to be effective against muscle cramps as well as crampy pain in the gastrointestinal smooth muscle and skeletal muscle. It is used clinically for internal, women’s reproductive health, gynecology, neurology, and sports medicine.

Ingredients: Bai Shao and Gan Cao
Functions: Boosts Qi and supplements blood
TCM Pattern: Qi and blood deficiency, liver and spleen deficiency

Gui Zhi Tang treats exterior deficiency syndrome due to exterior Wind-Cold combined with the disharmony of Ying Qi and Wei Qi. Clinical indications include headache, fever, aversion to wind, low-grade fever and chills, backache, nasal congestion, and easy-to-catch cold.

Ingredients: Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, Sheng Jiang, Gan Cao (Mi), Da Zao
Functions: Releases Wind-Cold from exterior, regulates and harmonizes the Ying and Wei
TCM Pattern: Ying and Wei deficiency, Wind-Cold invasion, Tai Yang Zhong Feng

* Promotion ends midnight on August 31st