We're constantly adding more products to our line. Learn more about our newest formula additions below:

Yu Tai Wan
Ingredients: Tu Si Zi (Yan Zhi), Shu Di Huang, Sang Ji Sheng, Gou Qi Zi, Xu Duan, Du Zhong (Yan), Ba Ji Tian, Bai Zhu (Chao), Dang Shen, He Shou Wu (Zhi), Ai Ye, Lu Jiao Shuang, Sha Ren, other proprietary ingredients

Formula Principles: Tonify the kidneys and spleen, replenish qi and nourish the vitality, nourish blood and calm the fetus, strengthen and stabilize the kidneys

TCM Pattern: Deficiency of kidneys and spleen, unconsolidation of Chong Ren and conception channels
Gui Shao Di Huang Wan
Ingredients: Di Huang, Zhu Yu, Shan Yao, Ze Xie, Mu Dan Pi, Fu Ling, Dang Gui, Bai Shao

Formula Principles: Nourishes the Liver and Kidneys, tonifies Yin and Blood, clears deficiency heat

TCM Pattern: Kidney and Liver Yin and Blood Deficiency

Gui Shao Di Huang Wan is a commonly used formula for Fertility Cycle Therapy during the follicular phase (day 6 to day 11) recommended by Dr. Tan, Yong

Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
Ingredients: Ban Xia (Jiang), Da Zao, Dang Gui, Gan Cao, Hou Po (Jiang Zhi), Qian Hu, Rou Gui, Sheng Jiang, Zi Su Ye, Zi Su Zi

Formula Principles: Directing rebellious Lung qi downward, arresting wheezing and coughing, warming and transforming phlegm cold

TCM Pattern: Phlegm dampness obstructing the lungs with kidney yang vacuity