Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang - 旋覆代赭汤 - Inula & Hematite Decoction (Granules)

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Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).

Item Number: X131
Chinese Name: 旋覆代赭汤, Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang
English Name: Inula & Hematite Decoction

Formula Principles:

Directs counterflow downward, dissolves phlegm, boosts Qi, and harmonizes the stomach

Ingredients (2023 Formulation):

Ban Xia (Fa) Pinellia Rhizome (Processed)
Da Zao Jujube Fruit
Dang Shen Codonopsis Root
Gan Cao Licorice Root
Sheng Jiang Ginger
Xuan Fu Hua Inula Flower
Dai Zhe Shi (Duan) Hematite (Processed)

Ingredients (Updated Formulation):

Dai Zhe Shi (Duan) Hematite (Processed)
Xuan Fu Hua Inula Flower
Sheng Jiang Ginger
Ban Xia (Jiang) Pinellia Rhizome (Ginger-Processed)
Bai Shen
Ginseng Root
Da Zao Jujube Fruit
Gan Cao Licorice Root
Zhe Shi (Duan) Hematite (Processed)

Ingredients provided for reference. Bottles containing 2023 Formulation will be fulfilled until they are sold out - to verify which formulation is currently being shipped, contact us through chat or at herbs@treasureoftheeast.com

TCM Pattern:

Rebellious stomach Qi due to stomach Qi deficiency with turbid phlegm obstruction


Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily. 

Treasure of the East’s herbal extracts are full-spectrum, water-based extracts produced by Tianjiang Pharmaceutical. Unlike standardized extracts, which contain a concentrated quantity of a single marker chemical, full-spectrum herbal extracts contain all the active chemical constituents of whole herbs in concentrated form.  Treasure of the East herbs are full-spectrum and extracted using only purified water (more information).

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