Hai Fu Shi - 海浮石 - Costazia Bone/Pumice
Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1; granules (100g/bottle).
Chinese Name: 海浮石, Hai Fu Shi
English Name: Costazia Bone/Pumice
Latin Name: Costaziae Os/Pumex
Properties: Salty Cold; Clears Heat from the Lungs, transforms Phlegm and disperses Stagnation; Softens hardness and dissipates Phlegm nodules; Promotes urination and unblocks the upper source for water (Lungs)
Treasure of the East’s herbal extracts are full-spectrum, water-based extracts produced by Tianjiang Pharmaceutical. Unlike standardized extracts, which contain a concentrated quantity of a single marker chemical, full-spectrum herbal extracts contain all the active chemical constituents of whole herbs in concentrated form. Treasure of the East herbs are full-spectrum and extracted using only purified water (more information).