Yi Qi Gu Chong Tang - 益气固冲汤 - Astragalus & Agrimonia Combination (Granules)
Full-spectrum, water-based herbal extract; concentrated 5:1 granules (100g/bottle).
Item Number: Y040
Chinese Name: 益气固冲汤, Yi Qi Gu Chong Tang
English Name: Astragalus & Agrimonia Combination
This modern formula is designed to address common Western conditions, and was selected for inclusion in our catalogue based on the efficacy of their use in TCM hospitals.*
Formula Principles:
Boosts Qi, fortifies spleen, strengthens the Chong Mai to contain blood
Huang Qi (Mi) | Astragalus Root (Processed) |
Bai Zhu | White Atractylodes Rhizome |
Chai Hu | Bupleurum Root |
Ai Ye Tan | Mugwort Leaf (Carbonized) |
Xian He Cao | Agrimonia Herb |
Jing Jie | Schizonepeta Herb |
Dang Shen | Codonopsis Root |
Gan Cao | Licorice Root |
Dang Gui | Chinese Angelica Root |
Xu Duan | Dipsacus Root |
Sheng Ma | Cimicifuga Rhizome |
TCM Pattern:
Spleen and kidney deficiency with insecurity of the Chong Mai, irregular menstruations due to spleen and kidney deficiency
Mix 4.5 g in hot water and drink as tea, 2-3 daily.
Treasure of the East’s herbal extracts are full-spectrum, water-based extracts produced by Tianjiang Pharmaceutical. Unlike standardized extracts, which contain a concentrated quantity of a single marker chemical, full-spectrum herbal extracts contain all the active chemical constituents of whole herbs in concentrated form. Treasure of the East herbs are full-spectrum and extracted using only purified water (more information).